Edinus and Marc 5th in 1.50m main class on Saturday
Marc and our top horses started at the CSI5* of Knokke Hippique. Some nice results could be noted during this prestigious show at the Belgian coast. On Thursday, for example, Sterrehof’s Calimero opened with a convincing clear round in the 1.50m class against the time. Sterrehof’s Dante N.O.P. on her turn jumped two clear rounds in the 1.45m two phases on Friday. The best result was realised by Sterrehof’s Edinus in Saturday’s big class. After a single time penalty in the first round Edinus and Marc had flawless second round, at the end good for a nice 5th place.
CHIO Rotterdam
Next week the CHIO Rotterdam is scheduled. We then cross our fingers for Marc and Dante, who will jump the FEI Nations Cup with the Dutch team.