CSI Zuidwolde: international experience for our youngsters

The latest news from Sterrehof stud

Toulady successful in several classes and Maserati qualified for 1* Grand Prix

Just like last year, some of our young horses were able to get experience at international level during C.H. de Wolden-CSI Zuidwolde. In the first week of this traditional, top-class show, our three seven-year-olds came into action. First of all, Toulady and Maserati. Under rider Edward van den Bragt, they jumped several clear rounds. Toulady (opening picture) opened with a single fault in the opening class of the CSI1* Small Tour, the Stoeterij Sterrehof Prize, won by Hilde Veenstra and Daniella.

Seventh place

At her second appearance, Toulady jumped a strong clear round. In this class against the clock she and Edward finished 13th in a field with 68 starters. It was enough to qualify for the small tour final, but the decision was made to start Toulady in the consolation final. This paid off with a double clear in the two phases class and a nice seventh place.

Grand Prix

Maserati (picture below) at his turn performed well in the CSI1* Big Tour. After a 29th place in a field of 95 starters, thanks to a double clear in the two-phases class, the result was even one position better the next day in the class against the clock. Edward and Maserati were thus qualified for the Grand Prix, but unfortunately could not follow up on their earlier clear performances at their 1.35m debut.
Nevertheless valuable experience was gained and the same could be said about Mercurius S. This seven-year-old jumped in the same tour as Maserati, but had a single rail in his classes with rider Gerwilmer Ton.

Edward and Maserati 

Pictures by Jeroen Spoolder/Spoolder.net


Sterrehof Stud always offers talented showjumpers in several age categories. Please click the image for more details on that particular horse or refer to the overview. Please contact us for more information on the horses currently for sale at our stud.


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