
10 April 2020

Sterrehof Stud during the corona crisis

It is quiet at Sterrehof Stud. A bit too quiet for us, but it is what it is. The current measures are vital to protect public […]
16 February 2020

Update young sport horses and horses in group housing

All young horses from the 2014 to 2019 batches are now displayed on our website. The information of twelve horses
9 February 2020

For sale: genetically exclusive broodmare Henna S, in foal to Sterrehof’s Cayetano Z *SOLD*

By offering the eight-year-old Henna S for sale, we make a unique opportunity possible to acquire one of Sterrehof Stud’s top broodmares!
26 January 2020

Sterrehof’s Dante wins FEI World Cup of Amsterdam!

Sterrehof’s Dante and Marc achieved the highest possible in front of a very enthusiastic home crowd in a packed Amsterdam RAI by winning the FEI World […]
29 December 2019

Annual review 2019: great successes and an unprecedented breakthrough

At the end of 2019, we can look back on a very successful year, with beautiful and, above all, constant performances realised by our top horses […]
15 December 2019

Sterrehof’s Dante does it again!

Sterrehof’s Dante and Marc finished their great year in style during the FEI World Cup competition of La Coruña. Our successful duo was second in
10 November 2019

Great successes at the FEI World Cup show of Verona

All our Grand Prix horses performed brilliantly during the FEI World Cup show of Verona.
3 November 2019

Dante and Calimero show good form in Lyon

The first five-star competition of the indoor season has been successful for both Sterrehof’s Dante (photo) and Sterrehof’s Calimero.

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